[P.A.S - People Against Smoking] Dangers - Your Body
Nose / Mouth / Eyes / Ears
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Smoking, gradually and unnoticeably, causes a decrease in the sensitivity of the senses of taste and smell.

Smoking also increases the dangerous chance to suffer from different eye diseases that cause a decrease in the eyesight and may even lead to blindness in older ages.

Smokers have a greater risk to get mouth cancer. Smoking causes approximately 70% of all mouth cancer cases.

Researches have shown that there is also a connection between hearing problems and smoking. Continuous smoking damages the blood vessels that provide blood and oxygen to the hearing system organs, and thus damages those organs as well.

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This page was created by Guy Eilam [Email Us]
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Statistics regarding
smoking all over the world
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help you quit smoking
The laws regarding smoking
in different countries
Links to other sites and
resources on the subject
A taste of the letters
sent to P.A.S
How smoking effects
the body of the smoker
Environmental tobacco smoke
(aka. secondhand smoke)
The hazards of smoking
to your child