[P.A.S - People Against Smoking]  
About P.A.S Non-Smokers Smokers The Dangers of Smoking Statistics How to Quit? The Law Links Letters

Cigarettes kill each year approx. 3,500,000 people! smokers and non-smokers!
3,500,000 deaths per year are equal to one death in less than 10 seconds.
Take a Minute and Think About It.

Smoking cigarettes, cigars or any other tobacco product KILLS. It doesn't kill as sudden as a car accident but still death is death!
Smoking cigarettes KILLS the smoker, KILLS his family, KILLS his friends, KILLS the people around him!

There are many other scary but true facts which most of our society prefer to ignore.
Don't ignore the facts! Help us heal the world.
We need to heal the world from cigarettes together, smokers and non-smokers as well.
We all suffer from the cigarettes!
Smoking is an invisible epidemic. An epidemic that should be cured.
The medicine is knowledge, information and awareness. YOU can spread this "medicine".
All you need is just to:


Don't Smoke!
Explain Your Family And Friends Why They Shouldn't Smoke!
Live a Healthy Life!

We are here to help you, smoker or non-smoker. If you wish to quit or to help someone to quit his addictive habit of smoking, enter our new and improved "How to Quit?" section and learn all about it!

For more information on the dangers in that hazardous habit enter one of the following sections:

Smoking & Your Body Smoking & Your Baby Scary but True: The Numbers
In this section you can find
detailed information about
the dangers caused by smoking
to each part of the body!
Collected information about
the many dangers that your
infant is exposed to because
of cigarette smoke near him!
Statistical information about
cigarettes and the illness which
they cause, categorized by
different regions in the world.

There is a lot of information you can learn from this site, but if you wish to search for some more you are welcome to look at some links to other sites against smoking on the web!

If you have any comments on our page then please mail us.
Note that every letter sent to P.A.S may be published in the Letters section unless specified otherwise by the sender.
Thank you from P.A.S.

This page was created by Guy Eilam on: September 26, 1996
Last Updated on: April 24, 2003
[Email Us]
Back to the
main page of P.A.S
A few words about P.A.S
The page for those
visitors who don't smoke
General message to the
smoking visitors of P.A.S
The dangers of smoking to
smokers and non-smokers
Statistics regarding
smoking all over the world
Many tips and guides to
help you quit smoking
The laws regarding smoking
in different countries
Links to other sites and
resources on the subject
A taste of the letters
sent to P.A.S