[P.A.S - People Against Smoking] Smokers' Page
About P.A.S Non-Smokers Smokers The Dangers of Smoking Statistics How to Quit? The Law Links Letters

We can just guess that if you're reading these lines you smoke.
We hope you're not offended by our goal - A World Without Smoking! We do wish to explain that our goal doesn't mean fighting against the people who smoke, but against the act of smoking itself!
Please don't surf away from this site at the very first moment!
Learn something on this habit of yours, on which you spand so much time and money.

We see you as a victim. A victim of the great companies and corporations of cigarettes. A victim of pressures from society. A victim of sly advertisements.
You are a victim because you are addicted to a hazardous substance - Tobacco.
You are addicted to Tobacco and the Nicotine in it.
And yes, you are even a victim of yourself!

Remember that your addiction doesn't hurt only yourself, but many other people around you.

Your family and friends are victims of your smoking almost as much as you are.

We are here to help you, if you wish to get any help. We don't wish to enforce you to stop. We are here to give you the facts, and to tell you about the dangerous effects of smoking on your body, and hopefully you'll act accordingly.

Remember that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, may complicate pregnancy and much much more.
Just try for once to smoke with those plastic mouth filters, and after one cigarette look at the filter. See how black it became, filled with tar. Think that the filter doesn't filters all the tar which is in the cigarette, and now imagine how your lungs looks like after only one cigarette. That tar sticks to your lungs and it may take many years without smoking to clean it up.

Take a minute and think about it!

If you do choose to stop your smoking habit, then we'll be glad to guide you in your way to a healthier life.

Please tell us about yourself and what you think of us as a home page which fights smoking.

This page was created by Guy Eilam [Email Us]
Back to the
main page of P.A.S
A few words about P.A.S
The page for those
visitors who don't smoke
General message to the
smoking visitors of P.A.S
The dangers of smoking to
smokers and non-smokers
Statistics regarding
smoking all over the world
Many tips and guides to
help you quit smoking
The laws regarding smoking
in different countries
Links to other sites and
resources on the subject
A taste of the letters
sent to P.A.S