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June 22, 2003
Letter #1

From: Devorah

Hello, my name is Devorah and I am 24 years old,

I am a smoker trying to quit.

I've been smoking since 13.

I have tried over and over and over to quit but failed.

My ex boyfriend even threw my cigarettes over the

balcony and out the car window so I would quit but

all I did was whine and get mad at him one time

I beat him up over something that can kill me and others.

Every year, because of smoking I get broncitis.

And it's not fun!!!

I had it last December and now I have it again right now.

It's very uncomfortable, and my chest is so swollen 

that when i cough it feels like my ribs are going to crack.

So I said, THAT'S IT! no more smoking,

I never EVER want to feel like this again.

It's only been my second day with out a cigarrette

so its gonna get harder.  But I would rather have nicotine

withdrawls anyday than to have this cr*p again in my lungs.

I swear, if I ever see any tobacco companies

I'm going to get really nasty.

Even though I smoked They should definitly ban cigarettes.

We may have alot of cranky people out there

but it would be for the best.

Because it's not fair to the ones trying to quit. Really!!!

When you are trying to quit and you are around smokers

you smell the nicotine and it temps you.

But when your not you are fine.

The reason I know this is because my dad smokes and he's

out of town with my mom so the house has been smoke free

all weekend and I have had no cravings.

But when he comes home that's when the cravings will start.

So you see, Smokings not bad for just nonsmokers

it's bad for the future nonsmokers too.


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