[P.A.S - People Against Smoking] Dangers - Your Body
Brain / Mind
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The Smoker's Body | ETS | Your Baby

Smoking more than doubles the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

according to a study, smokers are not only more likely to develop dementia, but also develop it earlier. Nonsmokers who develop dementia do so at an average age of 86. By comparison, dementia strikes former smokers at an average age of 81 and current smokers at an average age of 77.

Smoking is a known risk factor for vascular disease, including narrowing of the blood vessels and formation of blood clots. Vascular involvement has a great effect on the development of Alzheimer's disease. And therefore, elderly people who smoke may be contributing to the premature loss of their memory.

Smoking also increases the chances to sufer from an asymptomatic brain stroke, which is usually caused by a tear or a blockage of the blood vessels in the brain.

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