[P.A.S - People Against Smoking] Dangers - Your Body
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The Smoker's Body | ETS | Your Baby

Smoking almost doubles the time it takes broken bones to heal, in some cases preventing recovery for over a year. Nicotine in the blood also slows and may even totally prevent bone fusion in spinal fusion surgery.

In addition, smokers are in greater risk for Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease that makes bones thin and weak. This disease causes more than one million broken bones every year, in the U.S., usually fractures of the spine, hip or wrist.

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This page was created by Guy Eilam [Email Us]
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Statistics regarding
smoking all over the world
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help you quit smoking
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in different countries
Links to other sites and
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A taste of the letters
sent to P.A.S
How smoking effects
the body of the smoker
Environmental tobacco smoke
(aka. secondhand smoke)
The hazards of smoking
to your child